Perfectly Designed For Birth
We believe a woman’s body has been perfectly designed for birth and in normal circumstances a baby can be born with minimal medical intervention.
- We believe a mother and child are fearfully and wonderfully made, and should be treated with respect at all times.
- We believe women can be trusted to make the best decisions for themselves and their families when given reliable, non-biased information.
- We believe natural childbirth is a viable option for most women, resulting in a real sense of fulfillment for the mothers and a deep bond with their babies.
- We believe women are strong, capable, powerful and are able to manage the discomfort of labor; they do not need to be “rescued,” rather they need to be supported.
- We believe babies should be born gently into the world and whenever possible, handed directly to their mothers.
- We believe the process of pregnancy and childbirth is a critical part of a woman’s preparation for motherhood.
- We believe we are honored to serve and advocate for women through pregnancy and birth.
To learn more about our practice and philosophy of care sign up for our orientation.
Get The Midwives of New Jersey Guide to Surviving Birth In New Jersey!