Morning Sickness can vary from the occasional nausea at certain times during the day/evening through vomiting many times throughout the day. Morning sickness is a result of high levels of pregnancy hormones. It is important to stay hydrated and be sure to consume enough sugar. Avoid foods and vitamins that make you notice are making you feel sick.
Things to Try:
- Ginger Ale, Ginger Capsules, Ginger Root
- Vitamin B6 50 mg/day
- Dry crackers or toast before getting out of bed in the morning
- Protein snack at bedtime
- Coke syrup
- Our tried and true Yankee Recipe makes morning sickness extinct! (see below)
Tried and True Yankee Recipe
1 large Banana, peeled, (cut into chunks and wrap in plastic, freeze for 24 hours)
1 cup cantaloupe chunks (cover tightly and freeze for 24 hours)
1 ¼ cups skim milk
½ cup nonfat dry milk
1 tsp vanilla
Directions: place all the above ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth.
Check out our post 5 Ingredients in the Recipe to Surviving Pregnancy