Parents’ right to make decisions for their own children are being seriously undermined in the United States of America.
My daughter recently posted the above article on my Facebook page and I felt that I should make a big deal about this. This girl did not want to suffer the effects of Chemotherapy even though the treatment would improve her odds to survive the cancer. Her mother agreed with her decision but the girl’s doctors did not so they reported the family to the authorities. Now they are MAKING her take the medical treatment despite her mother’s decision.
Who do you believe is best able to make decisions for your children and their welfare? We always want to point out the abusive parents and say that they are the reason the government must be involved. No one is arguing this is not necessary but there are many, many cases where parents have lost their children to protective custody just because they make decisions outside a little box of parenting choices. This box was not made by the parents but by the government and medical community that may not like the fact that you don’t have a pediatrician, don’t immunize your children or don’t choose the public school system. When any parent loses their right to make decisions for their children, we all lose our rights and one day it could be our child that is being separated from us.
There is a group called Parental Rights that can keep you updated on the facts about parent’s rights in your state and in the country. Stay in the know. No one loves and protects your children like you do.
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