The word Midwife means “with woman,” which is fitting, when you consider that Midwives are as old as birth itself! Women have attended other women in labor since the beginning of time. Today, Midwives are medically-trained, licensed professionals and the recognized experts in low-risk pregnancy, childbirth and gynecology.
Although Midwives in the U.S. only attend about 8.3% of births (a percentage which has been increasing every year since 1983 (Source), worldwide midwives attend 80% of births. With the United States’ high maternal mortality and Cesarean rates, other countries appear to have the right approach!
An investigation by USA Today found the United States to be the most dangerous place to give birth in the developed world to give birth (Source). New Jersey is listed #5 among the top 10 states with the highest maternal mortality.
4 Reasons to Choose Midwifery Care
1. You want to avoid unnecessary intervention.
Midwifery care is associated with better birth outcomes including lower rates of premature births, cesarean deliveries and newborn deaths (Source).
2. You desire more options for your birth setting.
The Midwives of New Jersey offer every available birth setting including hospital birth, homebirth, and birth center birth.
3. You want more choices in how you labor.
Many people believe that women who choose Midwifery care are required to have or desire natural childbirth. Our clients have all the choices for pain management that are available including epidural anesthesia and Nitrous Oxide. Our practice offers water labor and waterbirth, VBAC and VBA2C.
4. You want to be an active participant in your care.
Midwifery is woman-centered, relationship-based care model. Midwives focus on educating a woman about her options so that she can make a well-informed decision.