Please Sign our Petition and make New Jersey the best state in the country to have a baby!
Waterbirth is under attack
This past April, ACOG and AAP issued a negative opinion of waterbirth and managed to immediately strip many women of their CHOICE for pain management in labor. Because we felt the need to go on the offensive to save WATERBIRTH for our clients the Midwives of New Jersey attended meetings at the hospital to defend waterbirth, joined a waterbirth sub-committee of the American College of Nurse-Midwives and compiled our own amazing waterbirth stats. We did not feel any of that would be enough so we called out to our clientele to help us keep waterbirth in Morristown hospital. We had a resounding response-over 500 emails went to Dr. Shulkin, the President of Morristown Medical Center, in ONE day! This huge amount of support was pivotal in the decision of the hospital to continue allowing waterbirth in their institution.
Families in NJ are passionate about their birth choices
We realized that our clients are as passionate as we are to promote normal birth and women’s rights relating to birth, so we have started our own initiative Your Birth, Your CHOICE to continue the momentum that has begun. We hope to join with all of the other groups in New Jersey to change the current birth environment promoting CHOICE for ALL women in New Jersey (not just the precious few we care for each year). Our focus is on free access for low-risk healthy women to WATERBIRTH, HOMEBIRTH, Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Section (VBAC), MIDWIFERY CARE and LOW-INTERVENTION HOSPITAL BIRTHS.
Sign today!
Please click on the link, read and sign our petition. We plan to put this petition in Governor Christie’s hands! Please ask everyone you know to sign this important appeal for change.
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