Once upon a time there were two moms of young children. Both women decided, with their demanding lives as mothers, time was needed to bond with other moms. They decided to attend the Midwives of New Jersey Monthly Wellness Workshop. At the time, this was a new group that met only once a month. Both made it a priority to attend. They quickly found that it was nice to get out of the house for an hour or two and attend the group.
Each month both women went to the group and saw each other, not knowing much about each other. However, they soon learned that they both had recently had home births and were going to be heading back to work soon. With this in common, they realized both were going to be continuing the nursing relationship while at work, so they would both be pumping while away from their new babies. Through discussions about caring for their babies, they also learned they both placed a large emphasis on eating an organic and GMO free diet in their homes. As they saw each other, just once a month, they found that they were always being drawn to each other! They kept finding more and more in common between them. As time went on, they became Facebook friends, exchanged phone numbers, and eventually starting having play dates.
Over the next three years, each woman went on to have another child and their relationship continued to grow stronger. Just last night, the women and their husbands were out to dinner with each other reminiscing about how they became friends three years ago. One woman looked at the other and said “I am not sure if you know this, but 3 years ago, I joined the Monthly Wellness Workshop for ONE purpose. To make a new friend.” ☺ Myself being one of these women I speak of, I am here to tell you, that you wont regret it. Come try our group. Unexpectedly, I have made one of my best friends here. A friendship I value more than I can explain. An hour once a month has turned into multiple texts a day, and play dates so often that our children have become best friends. We have the kind of friendship that we can count on each other for support when it is needed, advice when things are tough, as well as many moments that we can laugh until both of our belly’s ache!
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