Waterbirth is so normal to me that I feel odd when I catch a baby on land. I realize that is not the case for most people. Families have a lot of questions about why a land mammal would choose to get into a tub of water to deliver their baby. The safety for mom and baby is a huge concern. People think waterbirth is gross or dirty. They think only earthy crunchy people would make that CHOICE.
The reality is that water immersion is the SINGLE best way to achieve a drug-free delivery. Once a woman is immersed in a warm tub of water, she is immediately able to move easily because of the buoyancy of the water. Water immersion decreases stress hormones and increases “happy” hormones like endorphins and Oxytocin.
The Midwives of New Jersey have invited an authority in waterbirth to New Jersey to teach parents at a Friday workshop on November 3rd and birth workers and interested parents at the Saturday conference on November 4th.
Anyone interested in learning more about Waterbirth can attend!
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