We are all guilty of it as women. How many hours did the baby sleep last night? How many hours did you sleep last night? So do you have a routine yet? Is your son doing travel soccer? Does your two year old know the whole alphabet yet? How’s your relationship with your husband now that you are parents? Are you going back to work? How much weight did you gain during pregnancy? How long did it take you to lose it? You cook all your meals from scratch? Your children eat it? The list is endless. And after we get the answers to these, and the zillion other questions in our head, what do we do with the information?
Stop the comparisons
If you are like most women, you take it and play the comparison game. Comparing is an easy trap to fall into. You know how it goes. You start to have those guilty, not good enough, don’t measure up, insecure feelings. As if you lack something in this whole realm of motherhood. You start to ask yourself, “What’s wrong with me anyway?” “Why can’t I manage this?” “ You have thoughts that other people can’t possibly have days like this, and that your kids are so bad, it’s got to be a reflection of your parenting. The list doesn’t stop and you start to focus on these tormenting, negative thoughts. Girls, these are dangerous waters and you better jump off this ship before it carries you further and further away from the truth.
We’re all different, on purpose
The truth being we are all different. We were made different for a reason, on purpose! We have different talents, different styles, different strengths and weaknesses, different personalities. Different does not mean bad. Give yourself permission to be who are and be good at it. Make a sincere effort to be aware of comparing and pledge to stop comparing yourself, your children, your husband, your home…your life, to anyone else’s. When we focus on other people, we miss out on sharing and seeing our own gifts that are unique to us.
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