Hey you! Yes, you…the new mom. You look tired. Haven’t slept much lately? Do you have questions on how often to feed your baby? Worried about nursing in public? Wondering what solids to start with? All these questions and concerns are totally normal for you to be having as a new mom. We have all been there. Trust me. Five years ago, when I had the first of my three children, I had all the same concerns as you. How was I going to go to the grocery store with my child who cried every time she went in her car seat? And to make things worse, she wouldn’t take a bottle for me to escape for a few hours to go shopping alone. I needed a solution, as we were living on PB&J.
I often think about the Parenting Group I was part of when my daughter was little. One of the best things the leader did for me was allow me borrow all of her baby carriers. She invited me over to show me how to carry my baby in each of her 5 slings, wraps and other carriers and even lent them to me to use until I ordered my own. I left there feeling so confident and excited that I went right to Shop Rite with my baby in a ring sling for our first shopping trip together. Guess what? No tears! She loved it! I shopped and she slept. Perfect. I was so thankful for this woman’s help and even more thankful my baby was happy and not screaming through ShopRite in her car seat.
Although I am part of several online mothering communities, I am also truly grateful for the real, in person ones I am part of now. Sometimes, when we have little ones at home, we just need to talk to another mom in person to make us feel human again. A mom that can show us baby carriers to try, one that also has a baby that cries in their car seat, or one whose baby rejects a bottle and she also has to return to work. We cannot underestimate the importance of real life relationships and support between mothers. Come to our Mother’s Group the Third Saturday of each month at 10:00 am in the Midwives of NJ Classroom. Topics change monthly. All women and children are welcome. Come meet new moms and learn from our monthly speakers. At least come to see that there is another mom there who also hasn’t had time to shower!
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