Did you know that 9 out of 10 women in the U.S. receive maternity care that increases, rather than decreases, risks of harm to themselves and their babies? Most people have no idea that U.S. maternity care practices are in crisis – decades behind what science says is best for moms and babies. Many women don’t realize that there are many more options for birth than they’ve been made aware of, nor that they have rights in their care. Respect and compassion in childbirth aren’t just luxuries; they’re very much a human right. Help us make a positive difference in how women and babies are treated!
Our Improving Birth Rally, to be held on Labor Day, is addressing the need to HUMANIZE the birth of our children and to fully recognize the far-reaching impact of pregnancy and birth on the individual involved, their families and the world as a whole.
What Can You Do to Help? Come Stand with Us!
Please join us for our Improving Birth Rally as we stand along with thousands of men, women and children around the world on Labor Day as part of an international movement.
You don’t need to be part of the Midwives of New Jersey’s practice, you don’t even have to be a woman. Just be someone who sees the importance of autonomy in childbirth and join us!
Rally Date & Time: September 5th 9-11am
Place: Rally will meet at the Midwives’ Madison Office – 250 Main Street Madison New Jersey
Contact: Email us at [email protected] put “Rally” in the subject line for more information
This will be a special & informative time for all – we will have speakers, giveaways and more!
Follow our Facebook page for updates or RSVP to the Event here
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