Committed to Fulfilling Your Birth Plan
The Midwives of New Jersey are committed to assisting our clients achieve the birth they plan. The majority of our clients plan for an un-medicated birth. Most of the clients who hire us to attend their births are looking to maintain as much control over their own family as possible by remaining un-medicated and mobile. We attend many natural births, and many of our babies are born in the tub. Most of our clients successfully breastfeed. But any birth in which a woman is unprepared and requires medication or an epidural, or a birth that the woman appears to work too hard or has to “muscle-through” the discomforts in the labor and delivery causes us to stop and re-examine our practice and attempt to provide better education and support.
Overcoming Fear in Birth
Talking about surrendering to the process of labor and birth is easy but an entirely different thing to put into practice. Most women come to the end of their pregnancies with fears, knowledge deficits and inaccuracies and pressures from family and friends that interfere with accepting and surrendering to the process.
The Midwives of New Jersey already offer an excellent program to prepare our clients for birth. We provide prenatal care, childbirth classes and breastfeeding classes and support. We also have programs for exercise/yoga, development of peer groups, chiropractic care, prenatal massage and more. Our clients are more prepared than most for childbirth but in an effort to further equip our clients, we have added another program specifically focused on preparation for birth.
Welcoming Birth
Welcoming Birth is a program led by the midwives themselves. Welcoming Birth will replace some of the final prenatal visits where we are typically just waiting for the baby to come and will focus on specific mental and physical exercises that allow a woman to “fall” into her birth with full of acceptance and expectation. The time with the midwives will be just for women in their last weeks of pregnancy and we are so excited to spend this time with our clients. Welcoming Birth will begin the first week of September.
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